Loving Partnership
At my meditation circle last night, I pulled an oracle card that said ‘Partnership’
I was confused why I got it and said to the holder, ‘I don’t understand why I’m getting this card because my partnership is really happy’
She responded with something to the gist, ‘that’s why you’re getting it, it’s reflecting how well it’s going and also you should celebrate and share it more’
And I realised that I often come and write about the things we’ve worked through and the challenges etc but rarely come to share just how happy we are.
Which we are ❤️
I have so many moments where I look over at him and my heart bursts.
Something he says or just how he is fills me with so much joy and appreciation.
And he has the same with me, I catch him looking at me with tears in his eyes sometimes and I can feel just how much he truly loves me.
It feels like such a gift and we both feel very lucky
Day to day we’re honest with each other, we fight and work through stuff, we back each other’s desires and creative dreams, we have delicious intimacy, we have the household stuff and chores figured out and we go on hikes and adventures regularly
We’ve built a life together that we both really love
We’ve both put lots of work in to create this type of intimacy, both together and separately which I’ll share about soon.
But today I want to finish with my gratitude for our partnership X
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If you’re feeling inspired by this and want to have more intimacy and turn on in your relationships message me about 1to1 coaching. Working together you’ll receive the practices and teachings on how to create juicy, connected intimacy no matter if you’re single and looking for a partner or in a long term relationship.