Being the Good Girl won’t get you what you want. What it will do though, is burn you out.

I followed all the rules.

I got a great academic education.

A graduate job.

A corporate career with amazing perks and a solid career trajectory

I made decent money and had savings

I was good at putting other’s needs first

I was sober after years of heavy drinking

I worked out and avoided carbs

I did all the ‘good’ things and yet I wasn’t happy

Not because, I was bad at gratitude and appreciating all that I had in life

I was unhappy because I wasn’t actually doing what I wanted

I thought if I followed the rules, then my just dessert would be joy and satisfaction

Instead what I got was burnout

I got an auto-immune disorder of Interstitial Cystitis

I struggled with sleep, I went years without actually feeling physically tired because I was so wired

I had painful restless legs

And I would often end up sick and unable to function 

I had created a life that looked good but honestly often felt shit

It took a few rock bottoms and years of consistent pain and discomfort for me to say I want to heal my body and I want to find my purpose in life

I had an idea that I wanted to be a coach, but no plan for it to be sexuality related.

I just followed my intuition step by step to bring me to where I am now

The interstitial cystitis healed, restless legs resolved, my sleep has vastly improved and I feel more alive and energised that I have since I can remember

I’m living a life deeply devoted to my purpose

I feel like I’m here on this planet doing what I’m meant to be doing, which brings me so much peace

And I get to support others to do the same

So if you’re ready to change your life, follow your dreams and would like my support and guidance to do it, message me about working together 1on1 on your unique vision X


Loving Partnership


The desire to have the perfect relationship