Having an honest conversation on sex with your partner

Matt and I were out walking yesterday and I was talking him through some of the content for my new program, The Pleasure Upgrade.

And we naturally progressed to talking about our sex life.

Even though we’ve had many of these conversations, I still felt a little nervousness.

Thoughts that floated through my mind were

‘What if I say something that he misinterprets?’ 

Or ‘what if he says something that hurts my feelings?’

What happened instead was totally different.

❤️We each shared our experiences

❤️We listened to the other person and reflected back what we heard

❤️We celebrated our sex - it’s really deepened recently where we can spend hours of attention on each other

❤️We spoke through our fears

❤️We shared our desires - new practices we want to explore and a new workshop we want to do together

❤️We handled the logistics for the desires

We both left the conversation feeling more connected and heard 

This was not our first rodeo, we’ve had lots of these conversations over the lifetime of our relationship and each time we get better at them. There are very practical steps and guidelines that we follow, that help create an easeful flow through these vulnerable topics.

I’ll be teaching these in my new program, The Pleasure Upgrade which starts in 2 weeks on the 9th of November.

If you want to know more, all of the details are here.

Or if you want to chat to me first, message me directly for a call X


Pleasure from Penetration


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